Aban Group

Aban Offshore Ltd
India’s largest offshore drilling entity in the private sector, offering…
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One of the biggest tea limited company in South India
ABAN - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) Institute for Dryland Agriculture Technology
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Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

We are committed to achieve customer satisfaction, exploration and production services, through promotion, maintenance and facilitation of continual improvement in our quality systems. Our quality systems shall envisage compliance to applicable laws and regulations, company policies, procedures, standards and conformance to agreed customer requirements. We are committed to conduct our activities in a manner as to develop, implement and maintain the health and safety of employees, suppliers and customers who may be affected by the day-to-day operations. A proactive approach to reduce emissions and discharges is our prime commitment in preserving the environment. All employees shall be responsible for quality of service and shall apply the policies and procedures of the company to achieve financial discipline and provide value-added services to our clients and stakeholders.

We have over 35 years experience

At Aban, we use our strengths to your advantage. We have worked hard to
establish systems that ensure performance, minimize downtime and achieve “zero incidents.” Continuous improvement, conciliation over confrontation and delivering what we promise have been at the heart of what has made Aban grow and succeed.

Aban Group

Market presence

The Company is one of the largest global private sector offshore service providers and the largest in its space in India, strengthening its ability to carve away contracts.

Aban Group


The Company’s rigs are marked by high standards of safety and capability, making them eligible for deployment across demanding e&p companies.

Aban Group

New generation

The Company possesses a best-in-class fleet to counter obsolescence. The average age of nine jack-ups stood at eleven and half years as on 31st march 2020, well below the industry average, a significant sectoral advantage.

Aban Group


The Company has survived various market cycles, possessing the experience to address unforeseen circumstances.